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Old March 19th, 2014, 18:47   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Russia / Saskatchewan
ESS NVG Profile venting

I've been looking into a new pair of goggles the past couple weeks. Was debating over Smith Optics and ESS. Recently, been leaning towards ESS NVG Porfile. I've seen many reviews of these goggles but still have a concern regarding the size of ventillation and whether or not it is a hazard in BB prevention.

If users of these goggles (or a Smith Optics OTW) could confirm that BBs can not enter the goggles through the vents would be appreciated.

Here is a photo of the ESS NVG Profile with foam removed :

I don't have much doubt on the lower part of the goggles, but the top seem to gap pretty wide. I'm worried about a ricochet being able to cause damage to my eyes.
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