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Old November 30th, 2010, 16:22   #2
Conker's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Canada / Ireland / USA

Latest update (as of 2011-01-16)
I have modified to work on Seven.
-> Download here <-

I modified the setup.ini to install it on Vista and Seven.

In both cases, just unzip and run setup.exe

If you want to do the modification yourself ton install on Vista/Seven, you will need to copy the CD's contents on your computer, edit "Setup.ini" with Notepad and add this before the "Language" section:

Then you will be able to run Setup.exe and install it normally from your computer.

The serial number for the software is: 112-20100130

Mini programming guide
  1. Make the sure battery is charged
  2. Open the software (RDA1846) as administrator
  3. Plug the radio & turn it on*
  4. Do whatever you gotta do:
    I highly recommend starting with one of the files I provided and modify it to suit your needs.

    You can:
    - Insert your frequencies in the table (to use the wizard, click on the ">>" button on the right of the row). Even if you get an error, click "OK" and continue.

    - Edit preferences in the "Edit" -> "Optional Features" menu

    "Greet" input field is a message that will be shown when powering up the radio. I recommend your callsign or ID (for me, "Conker" or "EF06") but you can put whatever you fancy.

    - Load pre-made file with "Open" button or with "File" -> "Open"
  5. Click on "Write to radio" button (CTRL+R, or menue "Program" -> "Write to radio")
    It should show a progress bar and if it worked, it will end with a popup "100% completed".
    If it shows "Data Fail", it might have actually worked anyway... The software is bugged. See next step to make sure everything worked.
  6. Turn off radio. Turn it on again. Did it show your custom greetings message? If it did, that's because it worked! If the radio is locked, press and keep down "ESC" button until the lock, top left of the screen, disappears. You can check your presets by pressing "GR" button which will toggle the manual/preset mode, and then cycle thru them with either the arrows or the channel knob (top of radio, center).

*Some computers, usually older ones, might need COM devices to be plugged in at startup to be recognized by the BIOS. If nothing works, you can try rebooting the computer while having the radio plugged-in and turned on.

Right-click, save as.

FRS/GMRS at 5W (This is the one for Canadians) frequencies preset file:
Download here

PMR (Europe) frequencies preset file. Thanks to Viking_Dane for his help!:
Download here

Wiring Guide
For those interested by these technicalities, each terminal is identified by a letter.

Letter ... Wire color ... Function
A .......... N/A ............. Power, Negative (Not wired)
B .......... Green ......... Headphone audio (single channel)
C .......... Yellow ........ PTT key
D .......... Red ............ Microphone audio
E .......... Blue ........... Speaker
F .......... N/A ............. Power, Positive (Not wired)

Note that A and F are useful only when using accessories powered with the radio's battery, so they are pretty much optional. The wire color is for the United Star replica, I have no idea if that's the same on real radios.

Last edited by Conker; January 4th, 2013 at 19:46..
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