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Old June 4th, 2013, 13:02   #90
darchard123's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Toronto - SWARM Airsoft Canada
Hi all,

Just wanted to do another follow up...I keep going back to TA, and i keep getting great service! every single time! Granted sometimes it is a ‘sardine can’ in the shop due to the massive amount of customers, but i always like to look around anyway plan for the next purchase so...Oh and taking a ticket makes sense to me for when they are really busy. As I know if I were behind the counter I simply couldn’t track who was next in line when the shop is filled with people (it really does get well busy)! so really great job TA for trying to keep things efficient, it’s appreciated!

I think TA is a fantastic shop, they provide great service and I look forward to going there each time. Without TA i would have for sure wasted money and not got myself set up properly.

The guys there are wicked! Very cool with lots desire to help. So when something goes wrong with an online order and you’re out of province and have no idea who you’re dealing with, I can assure you after going there many times these lads are solid and I'm 110% certain they did not mean to make a mistake and they are really more than happy to help.

Anyway cheers TA for everything keep up the good work, you’re the best!

Last edited by darchard123; June 4th, 2013 at 13:08..
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