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Old December 6th, 2017, 14:23   #13
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Southern Alberta
Originally Posted by Okawesome View Post
Welcome to the community! All information about weapons so far has been covered by people much more experienced than me. I'm a relative newbie as well, only started this spring but like you, I've done a ton of reading.

If your total budget is $1800, one of the biggest things I recommend you invest in is good eye protection. Of course, safety is first, eyes don't grow back, etc. but it is worth buying a very good set of goggles among your first purchases. Like $100+ range.

It sounds super boring to spend money on and there are lots of good budget options for eye pro but spending more will get better performance and you'll be more effective. If you can't see clearly because your goggles fog or block your peripheral vision, you can't shoot your $500 weapon, after all.

The $30 Pyramex goggles (V2G Plus) for example are excellent, and have great ballistic protection and I was happy with mine until I tried on a pair of Revision Desert Locusts. There was a big difference in field of view, comfort, helmet compatibility and anti-fogging on the military goggles vs. the general safety goggles. There are many options, such as fan vs. no fan. If your goggles come with foam, like mine, rip out the foam. It'll help with fogging and will not compromise safety. It's just there to keep blowing dust and sand out.

Good, trusted brands in military eye pro are Revision, ESS and Oakley. I recommend either trying them on in-store or buying them online from a place with good return policy (e.g. Amazon) so you can see what fits with your face, helmet and face mask.

Once you have your weapon, when it comes time for accessories, seek out budget real steel accessories instead of airsoft repro stuff. Cheap repro stuff will break and expensive repro stuff approaches the same price as budget real steel accessories which are plenty tough for the conditions we play in.

Prowl the classifieds here and you'll also find great bargains on high end gear. It's how I outfitted most of my stuff and I'm really happy with it.

thnx for the tips man, currently im still investigating/researching eye wear, ( aside from having a dye paintball mask.. :/ but ill be looking in to what you posted. thnx for the welcome as well.
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